[Guide] The Archer - Lučišník

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  • [Guide] The Archer - Lučišník

    The Archer

    Remember that choosing the archer as a class must have a minimum level 15 basic, minimum level 20 job.
    Go mimi mentor and choose "Change Work".

    Main weapon: Bow.
    Secondary Weapon: Dagger.

    Characteristic of the arch is the attack distance and speed of movement, which makes it suitable for supporting roles, (the attack is penalized in points of damage if the target is close).
    Has a high avoidance (dodge attacks more likely.)
    The HP and MP are fairly balanced.
    The loading ability is the slowest among the classes.


    -The nosmate recommended for the archer is a tanker (High defense, high HP). We will attack the enemy at your leisure. For tanker means animals such as:
    * Sheep, Aries, Rammer, etc. ..

    -If you prefer inflict more damage to the detriment of the defense of the animal, are preferable:
    * Fox, Soul of fox, fox lotus Lupo Leon, etc. ..

    -Not recommended instead the use of animals with ranged attack, as they may seem valid as carriers, but their damage is really ridiculous compared to yours, and if attacked would you be driving at them, and not the other way as you would rather need ..

    * NOTE: The animals are listed from smallest to largest level.

    As a little example, skills are * recommended in PvP (Player vs Player) and PVM (Player vs Mob) by color:

    -Highly recommended
    -Can be useful
    -Not recommended
    -If you own CP and money to burn ...

    * NOTE: They are recommended by myself and with my current experience, everyone can make the choice that they please read the descriptions of ability.

    Below are listed the skills to Liv. Work

    Archers: 0 Gold 0 CP 0 Lv job
    Basic attack with the main weapon.

    Stab: 0 Gold 0 CP 0 Lv job
    Basic attack with the secondary weapon.

    Stroke Complicated: 6300 Gold 5 CP Level 1 job (PvP - PVM)
    Useful both in PvP and in the PVM, skills essential. Increase the attack, the possibility of critical and has a high rate of regeneration. Recommended.

    Poisoned Dagger: 6300 Gold 8 CP Level 1 job (PvP - PVM)
    By using the secondary weapon, you have the possibility to reduce the melee and distance of the target. I would say pretty useless .. would be more useful if it was safe status. Another factor to watch and that by archers, we can approach the enemy to have a chance to fight competition .. could serve in the remote chance that you are alone face to face with no possibility of escape against a swordsman in PvP, but hard .. last parameter is that you have the grass detoxification (sold by Malcolm Mix).

    Attack Rotary: 6300 Gold 10 CP Level 1 job (PvP - PVM)
    It 'an AoE (Area of Effect) using the secondary weapon and hits all enemies around you do not need a target to use it and there is the possibility of blocking the opponent's movements for some time. Skills from my point of view, discrete block movements of the opponent, move and attack with no problems, no small matter .. certainly the possibility is 65% initially, but with Liv. Work higher, making it is expandable up to 90%. And 'a skill (unfortunately) very underrated by the player, but in my opinion, can be very, very helpful, and save in several cases.

    Short stab: 7452 Gold 4 CP Level 3 job (PvP - PVM)
    With the secondary weapon, it inflicts greater damage and also a greater likelihood of critical, and power can also get the chance to bloody the opponent. Yet this is very underrated by the player, but there are good reasons. Remembering always to be archers and swordsmen, there is no direct option (and even the need add) to attack with own dagger. In generally good, but in practice not recommended ..

    Quick shot: 8064 Gold Level 5 CP Labor 4 (PvP - PVM)
    Ability that increases the damage the weapon principal. In reality, this ability is weaker than it might seem, because the attack is improved, but the charging time is very slow. Apart from this, an improvement of the damage at the expense of a few MP can always be useful, but if you want to choose another skill, this may well be set aside.

    Aimed for the legs: 8700 Gold 10 CP Level Job 5 (PvP - PVM)
    Slightly increases the damage of the weapon and gives the principal possibility of slowing down the movement of the target. Same speech dagger poisoned, always Quelala probability of a negative status could cheat in situations of real need. However overall it useful, but it would be more if block movements, not slow them down. Avoided for PvP, but almost useless for pvm. Advised to take it later in the CP and store for other skills.

    Method Detox: 8700 Gold Level 5 CP Labor 5 (PvP - PVM)
    Removes Poison status from one of your partner. Well, it says a little alone .. We are not attacking the editors, let care for enchanters (Nor) and potions. Requires detoxifying herb (sold by Malcolm Mix).

    Medicine arrows: 8700 Gold 8 CP Level Job 5 (PvP - PVM)
    So, sticking with the main weapon inflict a status that decreases the enemy's defense. Well, very useful in PvP for obvious reasons, but not recommended for use in PVM. Also this skill is advisable to take it later in the game, to make room for hours to other skills.

    Stroke Concentrate: 9360 Gold Level Job 6 CP 6 (PvP - PVM)
    Same speech idendico quick shot. Solo, which has more speed in loading, but still minimal.

    Ritual Hawk: 9360 Gold 10 CP Level Job 6 (PvP - PVM)
    Ability that increases the ranged attack you and your NosMate (especially after having to upgrade). Because it is a strong aura and lasts a certain period of time, so it is reused regularly. The only flaw is the high consumption of MP.

    Pungent blow: 10,044 Gold 12 CP Level Job 7 (PvP - PVM)
    Increases the damage and the possibility of critical. The becomes very simple and to make matters worse the damage increases. Useful both in PvP than in PVM. Recommended.
    Kick: 10,044 Gold Level Job 6 CP 7 (PvP - PVM)
    Minimal increases the damage with the main weapon, and if you have the target front, the attack is not punished. Skills are better, same goes for knives in case you can not escape and is face to face with a swordsman .. Very avoidable as ability

    Strike South: 10.752 Gold 15 CP Level Job 8 (PvP - PVM)
    Aoe (Area of Effect) with the main weapon, and increases the damage reasonably. Useful in PvP, not for the value of an AoE attack but why can always be useful. In the PVM may be useful in case of overcrowding of enemies, but not much.

    Death loaded: 14,105 Gold Level 12 CP Labor 11 (PvP - PVM)
    Increase the attack of the weapon only at the next major attack. I do not find very useful, because the skill is only for the first attack, after which it takes effect, and there's always the option not to strike for some reason. Frankly, I am crying my heart to waste CP for a skill like that. Becomes considerable damage after upgrading, but it is not recommended by me.

    Rage: 14,976 Gold Level 15 CP Labor 12 (PvP - PVM)
    Increase the speed of movement. E 'weaker than it might seem, but still useful. Meanwhile, the speed increases slightly (only after the reinforcement is no pleasure to use it) and then the load time is greater than the time of the use of skill. To illustrate, the skill remains active for 120 seconds, 360 seconds to load there is. Three times! To this becomes inconvenient .. but can become very important in PvP because it can save you from many unpleasant situations ..! In PVM, has no practical utility.

    [Original Guide: [GUIDA]Arciere - Arcieri Thanks Gianfo :P]

    The post was edited 2 times, last by mattystar123 ().