Some changes in nosmall item and new special offers

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    Oficiální české fórum je nyní součástí anglického fóra:

    • Some changes in nosmall item and new special offers

      Today we will update the product range in the NosMall. Additionally there will be price adjustments and new offers.

      From today on all costumes will be offered in a permanent version!

      Another new offer is the revision of the surprise boxes.
      Every bushtail receives its own box and the content of those boxes was completely modified!

      The price of the boxes was also strongly reduced, namely by 42%!

      We also offer the fairies in the suprise boxes for only 49 NosDollars (small ones for only 29 NosDollars)!

      I will provide you a listing of the new content in the surprise boxes and the savings (in the brackets) that you can make when receiving those items from a box:

      • Fairy Booster (-37%)
      • Blessing of Ancelloan (-16%)
      • Equipment of Protection Scroll (-46%)
      • Spring water of Cylloan (-22%)
      • Wing of Angel (-13%)
      • Release Scroll (-30%)
      • Medium Special Recharger (-30%)
      • Gourmet NosMate Food (-22%)
      • Tarot Card Game (new!)

      Here are the descriptions of all tarot cards:

      • Tarotová karta (šašek): rychlost pohybu + 1, sbírání zlata + 10%
      • Tarotová karta (mág): spotreba Many - 20%, max. MP 2500, obrana proti všem
        elementum + 3
      • Tarotová karta (láska): max. HP + 2000, max. MP + 2000, všechny útoky + 50
      • Tarotová karta (samotár): obrana + 100, Max. MP + 800, obrana proti všem elementum +
      • Tarotová karta (smrt): procento zásahu všech útoku + 150, všechny útoky + 150
      • Tarotová karta (démon): rychlost pohybu + 1, max. MP + 800, všechny útoky + 250
      • Tarotová karta (vež): získávání zkušeností + 10%, sbírání zlata + 10%
      • Tarotová karta (hvezda): získávání zkušeností + 15%, sbírání zlata + 10%
      • Tarotová karta (mesíc): max. MP + 1500, všechny útoky + 50, obrana + 50
      • Tarotová karta (slunce): rychlost pohybu + 1, všechny útoky + 250, max. MP + 800

      Your Team